Peaches/Strawberries 'n Cream-3 points

I just have to share this one because I've been loving this as a snack or dessert!!

Fruit-1 point (strawberries=1 & 1/2 C. or Peaches=6 oz.)
6 T. Fat Free Half & Half- 1 point (this is a GOOD amount if liquid!)
4 t. Sugar-1 point
1 t. vanilla extract (about that amount)
several dashes of nutmeg (only if you're using peaches. NOT if you're using strawberries)

It's just fine eating it right away, but I prefer to mix it all and put it in the fridge for 15-30 minutes to let all the flavors mix.

It's delicious and very satisfying. I think my favorite part is drinking the rest at the end :)

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